#CBR6 Review #06: Locke & Key, vol. 1: Welcome to Lovecraft by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez

A recommendation from my sister who hasn’t even read this series yet, but she was told by my cousin that it is really good. And I have to say, the first volume of Locke & Key is a solid and intriguing start to this somewhat spooky and supernatural comic book series. Collecting the first 6 issues, volume 1 is entitled Welcome to Lovecraft and is written by Joe Hill, with engaging artwork by Gabriel Rodriguez: the artwork has a clean style that isn’t too flashy, and so doesn’t distract from the progression of the writing. Welcome to Lovecraft begins with the murder of a man in the presence of his three children, by two teenagers, one of whom knew Mr. Locke (the murdered man) as a school counselor, and also had had words with Mr. Locke’s eldest son, Tyler. After this grizzly event, the Locke children move with their mother to their family estate in Keyhouse. Each child tries to cope with the death of their father in a different way, though something is clearly a little strang...