#CBR6 Reviews #13-15: Psychotherapy, Spirituality, Ethics, Art Therapy, and a Whole Number of Things...

They may technically be textbooks, but I read them from front to back. And considering how I’ve been powering through so many lately, the last thing I want to do when I have free time is read anything for myself, even something fun (guess that means more time for drawing One Direction fanart portraits… I mean… uh…??). And so, here are my reviews #13-15, for the following books: - Spiritual Care and Therapy: Integrative Perspectives by Peter Van Katwyk - Ethical Issues in Art Therapy (2 nd Ed) by Bruce Moon - Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions by Gerald Corey, Marianne Corey, and Patrick Callanan Starting with the introductory-type book on Spirituality within the therapy profession by Peter Van Katwyk, the book did a good job of covering a number of topics largely focused on family systems and the integration of spirituality therein. There were a number of diagrams focused on helping styles and orientations that were well thought-out, but perhaps could have...