#CBR6 Review #29: Hawkeye, vol. 3 – L.A. Woman by Matt Fraction

I adore Matt Fraction’s depictions of Hawkeye. He comes across as so dry and hilarious, while still having a huge heart and caring for those around him. This volume of the Hawkeye series, however, focuses on his young, female Hawkeye friend, Kate Bishop, who is sometimes just as ridiculous as Clint Barton when she gets herself into trouble. It’s funny, too, because I had just finished reading this book the other day when my friend text me to ask if I wanted to go to the archery range as she needed to de-stress from her studies (neither of us practice archery but we went anyways and it was a good time), and I noticed that I was wearing a lot of purple, just like Kate does. Coincidence? Probably. Also I realize that that was a bad story... Aaaaanyways: In “L.A. Woman”, Kate buggers off across the country to Los Angeles for some time alone, only to end up in a huge mess of a situation basically from the moment she gets there. And who is to blame for everything? Kate’s foe, Madame ...