
Showing posts from January, 2016

#CBR8 Review #02: The Secret History by Donna Tartt

I’ve been describing this book to my friends as “How to Get Away With Murder, but without Viola Davis.” Except, I’ve never actually watched How to Get Away With Murder, so I don’t think that’s accurate in the slightest. In any case, simply put this book is like a reverse who-dun-it: as in, we know that a group of students murdered one of their classmates right from the get-go, we just aren’t clear as to why or how this came to be. The Secret History occurs through the eyes of protagonist, Richard Papen, who is a young student living on campus at Hampden College. Now, the one thing I couldn’t tell you is exactly what time period this occurs in: for some reason I couldn’t figure it out, but I think it’s the late-80s/early90s??? Just, the prices of things, the technology, the language, etc got me a little confused. But continuing on with the plot, Richard tells the story of how we wanted to study Greek at college, but the only way he could do this would be if he is able to integra...

#CBR8 Review #01: The Gift of Therapy by Irvin Yalom

“An Open Letter to a New Generation of Therapists and Their Patients” I would have liked to start CBR8 off with something more enjoyable rather than a required reading for school, but alas! Duty calls and all that. And to be honest, this wasn’t the driest or most difficult reading I’ve had to do for school: in fact it went by easily and was filled with some quite good ideas and tips that will hopefully stick with me as I come up to starting my first art therapy practicum at the end of the month (YEEP!). Yet, some of these tips I do wish Irvin Yalom would have expanded on: yes, I am in this field of study, but I feel like there were some assumptions being made as to what the reader would and would not understand, which unfortunately left me a little fuzzy or feeling like things were a bit vague at times. Though of course, nothing is ever concrete in a therapy session in terms of what to say and how it will go with people, so you need to just learn as you go. Essentially, The ...