#CBR10 Review #32: We Stand on Guard by Brian K Vaughan, Steve Skroce, and Matt Hollingsworth

A fitting read for Canada Day weekend, huh? We Stand On Guard is the graphic novel of Brian K Vaughan, with art by Canadian artist Steve Skroce, and colouring by Matt Hollingsworth. Focused on a future after the bombing of the White House, Canada and America find themselves at war with one another. Canada is almost completely occupied by American forces, with most Canadian citizens working in labour camps for resources to be sent down south to the American people. But of course, there are those who will resist, and continue to resist in both subtle and overt ways to stop whatever injustices they see happening. This is where we meet a group of freedom fighters of the direct-action variety; their fight is the one the novel focuses on, and the whole thing plays out very much like what I’ve seen in many a post-apocalyptic anti-establishment movie. In all honesty, I can see why this graphic novel works for a lot of people, and the artwork has a definite polish to i...