#CBR10 Review #47-52: Preacher, Books #1-6 by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon

--> After finishing the 3 rd season of AMC’s tv adaptation of Preacher this summer, and then reading the subsequent article on Pajiba about where it may go from here based on clues from the comics , I figured it was a good time to maybe check out Garth Ennis’ books for myself: I am a fan of reading comics from time to time, and this at least has a clear start and finish unlike some other characters with their many many arcs and appearances in other series, etc. And it’s also always interesting to see how things get adapted from their source and how two different mediums will deal with the same subject. But I’m getting ahead of myself here, just saying that this review will obviously have some comparisons being made between the two, which I think is pretty inevitable. The Preacher series follows Jesse Custer (whose initials I didn’t notice the heavy symbolism behind until the last couple of books, I’m ashamed to say), a revered in a small Texas town who finds hims...