#CBR11 Review #11: We Were Liars by E Lockhart

I foolishly left the library book I was working my way through at work, and wouldn’t be back for at least a week, so I looked for something that seemed like it would be easy breezy to hold me over until we were reunited again. I chose We Were Liars , which ended up being a quick and not too difficult read, fun at times but also emotional. I can’t say that I totally connected with it, however, and I wasn’t entirely sold on the ending: not because it doesn’t work but because after a certain reveal, it seemed like some things didn’t quite jive with the behaviors of all the characters, and also it was something I had seen often enough before (sometimes in more effective ways, sometimes not, to be fair). We Were Liars comes from the point of view of Cadence (or Cady), the oldest grandchild of a wealthy family, who spend their summers together on a private island. Cady and her fellow older cousins (along with one not-quite-cousin) are practically inseparable during t...