#CBR11 Review #21: Maurice by E.M. Forster

I’ll admit I have not read any of E.M. Forster’s novels before, though I have seen the film adaptation of A Room with a View . As is often the case for me, reading these older British novels makes me hit a bit of a wall in terms of the language that I don’t when watching adaptations: for some reason the manner of speech is hard for me to get into! But do I keep reading such books anyways? Obviously! And truly sometimes I forget my struggles. But that is not to say that this book is not good, just a little difficult for me, personally, to follow at times. Maurice is about the eponymous young man, Maurice, in early 20 th century England, making his way through college and into adulthood, but with the distinct feeling that the goal of a wife and children is not what he ultimately wants. Eventually he comes to grow attached to a fellow student, named Clive, and the two realize that their affections for one another are not simply platonic. The story then continues ...