#CBR11 Review #36: Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell

After my friend got me a copy of Carry On for my birthday, I read it immediately, and naturally I loved it. It had all my favourite tropes: magic, vampires, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, and-they-were-roommates, spoofing on the concept of a chosen-one, etc etc. I loved the characters and how it didn’t take itself too seriously, while still having a strong heart and emotions within it. This follow-up novel took hold of me with my love for these characters once again, but story-wise it certainly takes a dip: it’s need for something to happen just didn’t quite work for me. But more on that later: Wayward Son picks up with Simon, Baz, and Penny after fighting against the Mage. Simon is still without magic, yet now with some dragon wings and a tail, dealing with a depression that has come on after losing a sense of purpose: he is no longer the “chosen one”, so now what? Under the guide of checking up on Agatha now in America, Penny suggests the gang go on a road t...