#CBR12 Review #24: We the Animals by Justin Torres

A friend actually recommended that I see the film We the Animals recently (which I haven’t gotten around to watching yet, whoops!), so upon finding out that it was an adaptation of a novel, I decided to get into the book. It is loosely based on the author’s own life, and reads like a childhood memoir of sorts. It is also very brief, and this works well in the majority of the novel to paint a picture of memories for the protagonist, but ultimately does a disservice to the story being told in the last quarter or so. The story is told from the POV of a young, unnamed boy living with his two older brothers, Manny and Joel, and his two parents in upstate rural New York during the 1980s. The boys are of mixed Puerto Rican and white heritage, and through a series of little vignettes, we see how close the 3 brothers are, with the narrator symbolizing how they view themselves as wild animals and get into all kinds of wild schemes. But we also see glimpses of the abuse that their mother receive...