#CBR13 Review #01: The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune

There is a fine line between cute and cringe, but then again, we all participate in cringe in our own ways, in many different flavors. I say this, because as I was reading The Extraordinaries , there were things to love, but also a lot that felt very put-on and almost too much ™. But as someone who is also a little much herself, well, who am I to judge? At the end of the day, what we have here is a cute little story that tries to put a little humanity and reality into the world of superheroes, and the people who see them and idolize them. It does come across almost like a self-insert, superhero fanfic of some kind (and in fact the protagonist engages in fanfic writing themselves, which might be a little clue there), so depending on how you feel about that kind of thing your mileage may vary. I’m sitting at a middle-to-positive. The Extraordinaries takes place in a universe where certain people are born with special abilities, and thereby called Extraordinaries. In Nova City, two such ...