#CBR5 Review #41: City of Glass by Cassandra Claire
Or as I like to call it: City of Why Can’t You Guys Just
Communicate a Little Better?
And so, after a strong first novel and slightly
less-engaging sequel, this installment to Cassandra Claire’s Mortal Instruments series hits the third-book-slump
for a number of reasons. While the story is still engaging if you have become invested
in these characters from the previous books, there is a definite increase in
melodrama and love-angst in City of Glass.
Furthermore, many of the plot twists and outcomes can be seen coming from a
mile away, making it far less exciting than say, City of Bones with all it’s amusing turns. Although I must admit, I
did accidentally spoil one of the big twists for myself before reading this
book (I was dorking around on the internet, rookie mistake, I know), but I
still feel as though you could see where all of this was headed very easily.
[Hold on to your hats, kids, if you haven’t read any of
these books before, this plot description is likely to leave you a bit lost:]
City of Glass
picks up after the battle against Valentine in City of Ashes. Jace and the rest of the Lightwoods are planning on
going to the city of Alicante in the Shawdowhunter homeland (Idris) to speak
with the Clave about what happened with Valentine. Clary also wants to go to
Idris to find Ragnor Fell, the man who supposedly knows how to wake her mother
up from her self-induced coma. Jace, however, is afraid that the Clave will ask
questions about Clary’s role in Valentine’s defeat, and wonder about her
special gifts, only to use her as an experiment. He pleads with Simon not to
let Clary come along, but as he is doing so, the troop is attacked and forced
to portal to Alicante with vampire Simon, even though doing so is illegal.
Clary is left behind, and resolves to find her own way there despite Luke
begging her not to go, claiming it is too dangerous for her. But does Clary
listen? Of course not.
And so, everyone ends up in Alicante, in one unfortunate
situation or another. Because Simon is a vampire who can walk in the daylight,
the new Inquisitor imprisons him, despite telling everyone that he is to be
sent home. Clary does not know that Simon came along, and obliviously trundles
her way to Alicante with a reluctant Luke, and with the help of Luke’s sister
who he hasn’t seen in years, Amatis. Jace and Clary fight about her being
there, and it is clear that they both still have feelings for each other
despite wanting to treat one another like brother and sister. The plot
thickens, however, when Clary meets a young man named Sebastian who is all too
eager to help her find Ragnor Fell; Sebastian is extremely charming, yet there
is something sinister about him. It is only later that we learn the true reasons
for this, after the city of Alicante is attacked by demons, a situation that
should be impossible. After the destruction, everyone is on high alert for
Valentine as he searches Idris for the last mortal instrument, a mirror. During
this time of tension, Luke tries to reason with the Clave to form alliances
with the four different factions of downworlders (vampires, werewolves,
fairies, and warlocks) in order to protect themselves from demons now and for
the future. Meanwhile, Clary and Jace continue to struggle with their
relationship, and find out more and more about how Valentine had been
experimenting on them in order to give them special gifts. These special gifts
end up coming in handy when everything comes to a head at the end for one final
battle with Valentine, and the big, ultimate reveal that (tada!) Jace and Clary
are not in fact related. I think we all knew that that was the case from the
get go. At least, I did, so that’s why I wasn’t all too concerned about the
incest vibes leading up to this point.
Apparently it’s quite difficult to succinctly relate what
occurs in these books because there is just so much going on! I didn’t even
scratch the surface with this. In any case, most of City of Glass features lengthy conversations or back-and-forth
information as to what is occurring with everyone all around Alicante and
nobody can seem to really keep anything straight at any one point in time.
Honestly, there are a lot of he-said-she-said situations and missed connections
that lead to angst on many people’s parts. But that’s not the only problematic
thing I found in this installment to the series:
First of all, Clary’s stubbornness is a trait of her
character, I understand that, but her act-first nature and insistence on doing
whatever she wants regardless of what people tell her is starting to tire me.
Of course, it is this nature of hers that leads her to be the one who
magnificently comes up with the solutions to all the big problems, but
sometimes it’s like, wow, you are being totally disrespectful to both people
and customs, girl, I don’t care how much of a special and gifted little thing
you are.
Furthermore, all the characters seem to be keep rehashing
all their old issues with nothing really new to bring to the table character-wise
for some reason: they all started out with so much potential only to get lost
in melodramatic love stories and static stereotypes. And the melodrama is
really hindering the writing as of now; no seriously, I’m pretty sure I saw the
word “wistful” being used to describe someone’s expression about 100 times in
the last 3rd of the book alone. Sure, there are still some surprises
to enjoy, but a lot of times it just seems like everyone is relying on Magnus
or Clary to do all these fantastical magical things in order to save the day,
and many of the twists, like I mentioned, can be easily predicted after just
one too many hints are given along the way. I guess I’d say this book is the
most derivative of typical young adult fantasy so far.
But more than anything, I am tired of the Jace and Clary
relationship struggles. At first, it was kind of different, but as soon as you
can see that they love each other and act like “soul mates,” you just know that
they aren’t related. And because of this, I didn’t really care about their
issues, because I knew they would eventually solve themselves to allow for them
to be happy (You’re the father! Wait, no, HE’S the father!) . Plus, nobody else
really seems to care about them being in love and yet related either. Sure,
sometimes characters will use this to taunt them and call them disgusting, but
apparently people understand that they love each other and see the way that
they are just drawn to one another and so look past the relation or something?
I don’t know. I guess I’m just exhausted from the countless YA books that
promote the idea that there is one person who sends electricity through you and
once you find them you are bound forever in some unspeakable way. Yeah, okay,
so everyone that comes into your life becomes a part of you and a part of your
story, but this just seems like a little too much. Also a little sappy: sappy
writing is no good in my books.
All that being said, and despite all of City of Glass’ downfalls, I still liked knowing what was going to
happen to these characters after City of
Ashes. And the ending wrapped things up nicely, in a way that felt like it
could have been the end of the series as a whole, if in a overly happy and neat
manner. Happily ever after, ya’ll! Oh… no. There are still some books to go. But
I think I’m going to give Mortal
Instruments a break for a little while before picking up the next novel in
the series. Because I do like them, I really do! This one was just
[Be sure to check out more reviews on the Cannonball Read group blog]
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