#CBR5 Review #52: Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
Speak is a young
adult novel that deals with the aftermath of a young woman’s rape: a time
wherein she feels she cannot tell anyone what happened, leading to a period of
depression. I hate to think that these things happen to people who are so young
and vulnerable, and yet I know that it does occur, and more often than not, the
blame is placed on the wrong person, or the victim is too afraid to speak to
someone who can help them. Laurie Halse Anderson portrays this issue in a serious
manner, which I think is very important, yet she doesn’t allow for it to be so
dark that there is no hope for redemption. While I could not possible know what
rape victims feel, or even have an inkling as to how it may stay with them
throughout their entire lives, I want to believe that there is still the
possibility for happiness after such a trauma.
The protagonist of Speak
is a 13 year-old young woman named Melinda, who attends a party at the end of
the summer before she enters high school, only to be raped by an older student,
Andy. Drunk and disoriented, Melinda calls the police, but does not know what
to say to them. Because she alerted the police to the party (which led to some
students losing their jobs), many are angry with Melinda, and she begins high
school with no friends, essentially ostracized from all of her peers. And yet,
no one thought to ask Melinda why she phoned the police, despite the fact that
something was clearly wrong.
The only person who befriends Melinda at the beginning of
the year is a new student named Heather, who later leaves Melinda for a
different clique known as the “Marthas”. Throughout the year, Melinda becomes
more and more recluse from her peers, her teachers, and her parents. Her grades
slip, she begins skipping school, and even makes a hideout in an old janitor’s
closet to act as a sanctuary away from class and away from her home life. The
only class wherein Melinda thrives is art class, where she uses her project to
focus on her thoughts and work out what really happened to her. Overall,
however, Melinda is clearly exhibiting signs of depression, and begins to
almost stop speaking entirely, which her parents and other authority figures
see as her means of seeking attention.
Melinda’s dormancy in the social world begins to break,
however, in the form of her lab partner working with her to find a voice in
certain classes. Her old best friend, Rachel, also starts to date Melinda’s
rapist, Andy, and Melinda starts to feel as though she needs to do something in
order to help her friend from being hurt like she was, thereby choosing to
confront Rachel who doesn’t want to believe what Melinda is saying about Andy.
Everything comes to a head, however, as Andy gets wind of what Melinda has been
saying about him, and corners her once again for a final attack that brings
everything out into the open and allows for Melinda to gain some (albeit,
somewhat violent) resolution.
It is difficult to watch Melinda spiral into a state of not speaking
at all, especially considering how there are so many teachers, adults, and
other students around her who should be able to see that something is wrong and
going on with her, and yet they just don’t. Isn’t it an educator’s job to pay
attention to their students and be able to notice negative changes in behaviour,
or am I asking too much of them? My friend recently obtained her first teaching
job with low-academic students, and within a week she was able to identify
certain aspects of her students’ behaviour that may be indicative of other
issues. And what about Melinda’s parents? Why assume that her lack of speaking
is because she is seeking attention? Did they ever stop to think about why she
may be wanting attention in the first place? The whole thing is very
frustrating, and could be one aspect of many that accounts for the reluctance
of victims to report the crimes against them.
What this novel succeeds at, however, is not even dipping into
the idea of victim blaming, except for some slights by the rapist himself. Yes,
Melinda went to a party, drank, and danced closely to a boy, but she was 13 and
being guided by an older, stronger male: a male who was the one that chose to
engage in sex with her, regardless of her state of mind or exclamations of,
“No.” Other students may be angry with her for calling the cops on the party,
but even before Andy is caught attacking Melinda, there are still those ideas
floating around the school that Andy is the one who is “trouble” and one to
stay away from, not the girls who are the “sluts” that are “asking for it.”
That kind of mindset disgusts me, and I honestly cannot fathom why it is such a
common thing today for people to blame the actions of the victim, rather than those
of the attacker.
In general, Speak
carries a dark tone with it, but still contains some of the typical teenage
sentiments of angst, friendship, and petty social issues. Overall, I found it
to be a very successful novel, and would recommend it to many, despite being
aimed at a young adult demographic. Just because teenagers are young and can be
silly at times, that doesn’t mean that they don’t deal with many of the same,
serious issues that everyone else does, and I think we sometimes forget that.
[Be sure to check out the Cannonball Read group blog]
*Heeeey, full Cannonball! Twice my goal of 26, which would be more surprising if I hadn't read so many graphic novels this year.
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