#CBR9 Review #25: Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson
(Book #2 in the Stormlight Archive series)
I have been working on this book for about
2 months now: I mostly read at work and it has been busier, also it’s so long,
but now I only have one book left for my half-cannonball goal! The next book in
the Stormlight Archive series just
came out and my cousin actually gave his copy to me for me to read after this
one but uuuh…. seeing as it’s page count comes in at 1200+ pages (Words of Radiance at 1087), there’s no
way I’ll make it by the end of the year, so it will have to wait until I finish
my goal. This preface being said, let’s get on with the book and stop my
rambling. (Just kidding, it will continue throughout the review as always! Beep
of Radiance is the second novel in Brandon
Sanderson’s expansive Stormlight Archive series,
focusing on a number of major characters including Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar,
and Adolin. While the previous novel included a lot of flashbacks and
information on Kaladin, this book features more about Shallan and her life
leading to the present story being told. While previously these major
characters (with the exception of Dalinar and Adolin) had been separate, the
end of the first book began to move them together and all their stories, though
still with their individual storylines and conflicts, begin to converge
directly. It makes things a little easier to follow and see the affects on one
another, but the world doesn’t seem any less small than previously.
The beginning of this novel (not unlike the
previous one establishing context and backstory) starts a little slow as new
roles and dynamics and the affect of the previous novel are settled into.
Kaladin begins a new role in the King’s guard, Dalinar faces uniting a torn
kingdom after the betrayal of another highprince, and Shallan begins to learn
about her abilities as a radiant all while travelling to the wars on the
shattered plains to meet up with Jasnah’s royal family. Fortunately, the pace
picks up quite a bit until the ultimate climax near the end of the novel, and
indeed gets very exciting. There’s a lot going on overall, and the book is
fully fleshed out in terms of plot and characters, and I am always astounded at
the intricacies and just absolute breadth that Sanderson brings to his stories
and world: there’s just so much to it!
I found Words
of Radiance to be once again a long but good read with plenty of twists,
intrigue, adventure, and just enough magic thrown in there too. I just have a
couple of complaints, which basically mirror the exact same issues I had with
the previous novel, Way of Kings. They
are minor, however, and didn’t really affect my overall enjoyment of the novel,
they just made me pause a few times or roll my eyes before getting over it and
moving along.
The first issue is that, while impressive,
the scope of the novel is really huge. The main characters and plots are
honestly enough, and while I sometimes forget the odd name or role of a person
or two (such as I do in any epic fantasy like this), it’s not really enough to
cause any issue. I do however, find that some parts with minor characters are
extraneous. Well, actually, it’s mostly that the book is divided into different
“parts” and after each one is an “interlude” with other characters. Some of
these are interesting and do tie in quite directly with the overall story, such
as the inclusion of Sveth the assassin and Eshonai in the parshendi army.
Others, however, at this point have nothing to do with anything: why am I
supposed to care about these characters? Maybe they will play a role way later
on, but honestly I don’t think I will remember them by then. I know that it’s
to show that the world presented is bigger than that which centers on the main
characters, and like I said, it is very inventive and impressive, but we
already know that the world is larger than these areas and that these actions
have a farther reach: we see glimmers of that in the major plots and in
countries of origin, etc. These interludes always occur right after something
exciting happens in the novel too, not unlike the end of a weekly tv show that
wants to keep you hanging on until next week. But is that really necessary in a
book to space it out? I read some kind of chapter-ending-cliff-hanger and I want to keep going right now! Don’t make
me waste time in what is already a book with a ton of pages that now has even
more about things that aren’t per say necessary! (But then, I do know that some
people really enjoy these little blips or short story-like things of something
different, so who is to say I’m right in complaining about it!).
The other issue I had also comes in the
form of world building, and it’s veeeeery minor but still made me stop a couple
of times. It’s more or less the seeming arbitrariness of some of the customs
and rules at given times. Sure, we are in a different universe and people do
things differently all over the world, but sometimes it seemed like these
little blips were put in there for no reason than just because. The one that
kept coming up repeatedly was the thing about “safehands” for certain women,
covering one of their hands at all times after they reach a certain age as a form
of modesty. It just kept being mentioned and I was wondering if there was
really a purpose to it or would it end up playing a part later? Apparently, not
yet. I mean, I could see this as a
commentary on certain arbitrary rules we have in our own society in regards to
the bodies of men vs. women, ie that male breasts and seen as fine but after a
certain age women need to cover theirs even though they have a function of
feeding the young. But they even mention women’s breasts and modesty in one
part of the novel (an interlude!) so I don’t really know if I can make that
claim that it’s a commentary on this: it would make sense but as of now it
doesn’t read like it, it just keeps getting mentioned like “don’t forget this
is a rule here!” without any payoff so far. I don’t know, but every time I just
stopped for a second.
Speaking of arbitrary, sometimes the way
certain people act/give orders/act insolent to royalty and get away with it or
not doesn’t seem to follow a specific pattern. I mean, this book is largely serious
and not goofy like Merlin where his seeming insolence doesn’t really have too
many serious effects, but here I feel like Kaladin gets away with a LOT. And
yes, he is respected for saving the highprinces but there is still a hierarchy that
is brought up a lot, and roles and status are really respected in this world so
it almost seems random or out of place at times? Again, this might just be me.
But again, these issues I have are minor
compared to the overall flow and enjoyment of this novel, no matter how long it
may have taken me to get through. There were little hints coming up in the
later parts of Words of Radiance that
may indicate an upcoming love triangle, which I am 100% not here for, but we
shall see how this is handled and plays out (if at all, though I can for sure
smell it in the air). In any case, I will likely kick off next year’s CBR with the
3rd novel in this series, Oathbringer,
as I definitely need to find out what happens to the world now, after the
daunting conclusion I just finished with.
[Be sure to visit the Cannonball Read main site!]
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