#CBR10 Review #02: Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol

Sweet, and a little spooky. Anya's Ghost is a graphic novel that features a short little story about a teenage girl named Anya, who moved to America from Russia at a young age. She isn't doing great in school, and doesn't feel like she truly fits in: she has one close friend named Siobhan, who isn't really all that nice to her, and her mother tries hard to keep Anya connected to her cultural community through church and other families she knows (most notably, a young boy named Dima who is also from Russia, but others tend to pick on). Also, Anya harbours a crush for a popular basketball player at school, who just happens to be dating a beautiful popular girl. Isn't this such a familiar little trope for most YA stories? Well, here's where we get a twist... While skipping class one day, Anya falls down a well in a park, and meets a ghost of a young girl named Emily, who ends up following her: Anya reluctantly becomes friends with this ghost after she helps with...