#CBR10 Review #01: Guardians of the Whills by Greg Rucka
A short and sweet little story to expand on
a couple of characters we see all too briefly in the Star Wars cinematic
universe: upon watching Rogue One, I
immediately fell in love with Baze Malbus and Chirrut Imwe, the two “guardians”
of the Temple of Kyber in the city of Jedha. They act like an old married
couple, one a little gruff and the other full of mysticism and hope, joining
our heros in their quest to bring hope to the galaxy in defeating the empire.
But you’ve all seen Rogue One and
know this by now right?
Well, given the opportunity to learn a
little more about these two characters through Greg Rucka’s Guardians of the Whills, I thought, why
not! It’s a short and simple book, with a little bit of action in a small
adventure seemingly just before the events of Rogue One. We see Baze and Chirrut in their already long-standing,
established relationship, after the Empire has taken some residence in what
used to be a holy city of pilgrimage for many. It is a destitute time, with
many children becoming orphaned by the actions and violence of the Empire. The
main story here therefore revolves around Baze and Chirrut trying to help their
friends running an orphanage with survival, as well as eventual escape from the
city. Along the way, the two also come in contact with Saw Gererra, who is also
trying to find a way to hurt the empire. It left me a little confused because I
haven’t seen Rogue One in a while,
and can’t remember if there is the
implications that Baze and Chirrut know Saw Gererra or not when they get taken
into his base with Jyn and Cassian? Mmm, in any case, it doesn’t really matter
I guess.
Ultimately, this is a story about doing
what you can: about how small moves and hits can inspire hope and lead to more.
And I love that. The overall mood of the book is serious and light: not super
complicated and maybe a little simple with a bit of an anticlimactic ending,
but really it’s supposed to be a little vignette to show life in the area
before they get drawn into the bigger adventure. So, the story itself may not
be the most inventive thing, but the main draw here for me (and what was most
successful) was just to see a little more of the characters. What makes both
Baze and Chirrut great is how they could be simple stock characters, but they
aren’t: Baze could just be big and gruff, but we see a softness and caring
there. Meanwhile, Chirrut could be just a sterotyped religious image of
centered calm and reason, but there is also anger and conflict, and holding on
to his faith despite knowing that others around him have faltered in it, yet
not judging them for this. It is also these differences between the two that
compliment each other so well. I love their friendship and how they work
together and care about each other so much, regardless of their slightly
different views on some things: it’s their major views of life that matter the
most, and searching to do all they can for those who need help.
In any case, this was a short and fun read:
a few little messages and tidbits in there, but ultimately nothing too crazy or
complex. Still, a good and light way to start off my reading for the year! And
as I said before, I love these characters, and wanted a little more of them, which
is exactly what I got in the end.
[Be sure to visit the Cannonball Read main site!]
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